HomeArtist worksFrance painterJacques Louis DavidBonaparte franchissant le Grand Saint -Bernard

Bonaparte franchissant le Grand Saint -Bernard
Bonaparte franchissant le Grand Saint -Bernard
Painting species:oil painting
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Nationality:France painter
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Bonaparte franchissant le Grand Saint -Bernard_Jacques Louis David of classic works,appreciate Jacques Louis David painter classic works !

the horse is a dappled grey, the tack is identical to that of the Charlottenburg version, and the girth is blue. The embroidery of the gauntlet is simplified with the facing of the sleeve visible under the glove. The landscape is darker and Napoleon's expression is sterner.

Bonaparte franchissant le Grand Saint -Bernard oil painting appreciation of works,Famous France painter,Appreciate Jacques Louis David 's classic works:Bonaparte franchissant le Grand Saint -Bernard. More works of France painter 's influential painters are appreciated in art higher-ups:www.yishudaka.com.

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