HomeArtist worksFrance painterGeromeCleopatra and Caesar

Cleopatra and Caesar
Cleopatra and Caesar
Painting species:oil painting
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Nationality:France painter
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Cleopatra and Caesar -Gerome of classic works,appreciate Jean Leon Gerome painter classic works !

Cleopatra Before Caesar by Jean-Léon Gérôme, oil on canvas, 1866. Cleopatra confronts Gaius Julius Caesar after emerging from a roll of carpet. The Egyptian Queen had been driven from the palace in Alexandria by her brother/husband Ptolemy XIII. She had to disguise herself to regain entry and treat with Caesar for protection and restoration of her throne.

Cleopatra and Caesar oil painting appreciation of works,Famous France painter,Appreciate Gerome 's classic works:Cleopatra and Caesar . More works of France painter 's influential painters are appreciated in art higher-ups:www.yishudaka.com.

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